When you doubt that you can do it…

Uncategorized May 21, 2019


Do you doubt that you can create your own career? 

There are so many people that have doubts. I had. One day I thought I would make it, the next day I was thinking «Are you crazy? What if it doesn’t turn out the way you want?»


I also thought this over and over again: «Who am I to think I can create my own business? I’m not even sure what that business should be all about!». Not to forget this one: «Karine, hold your horses! You have no clue where to start and how to do it!»


As you know, I desperately wanted to create my own career. Not only that, I wanted to create a career where I could work from anywhere in the world (or to be precise; where I could work both from Norway and the US, where I have my loved ones).

 My grandson and I on the tennis court by our home in Florida (you see why I really wanted to have my own laptop lifestyle, right? I need to see him in Florida, aaaand my parents in Norway <3 )


But the desire to make a «laptop lifestyle» was so much bigger than staying where I was. So I took my first step. I took some online courses on where to start and what to do. Still, I wasn’t 100 % sure that what I thought I «should» be working on was what I really, really desired. But I started out with what I knew.


If I had only found my real purpose first! That would have helped me BIG TIME! 


You see, I was running in circles in the beginning. I did what I was good at. But that was not what I really wanted to do every single day. So I started to procrastinate. Going on Facebook, reading the news on my laptop… You know, I did all those other things that didn’t serve me well. 


But I did what I thought was expected of me. What I expected of myself, and how other people knew me. I liked what I did up to some point, but when I started to work with helping other women who wanted to make their own business, I went all in!


I loved it! 


I did all the research I could. I got my own coach and digged deep down in the material. It was so much fun!



Then I understood that I had found my passion. My purpose. You might think it’s a cliche, but it’s true.


It was hard, because I’m one of those multipotentialites. The ones that love to do different things. Yep, you can turn that into a career!


When I understood that I can do different things, I found my «thing». I didn’t need to just help people find their purpose, or helping them create a course. I didn’t just need to do leadership training and goal setting. I could also write books and articles to help people go from where they are today to where they want to be. I could do it all! 


That is my purpose, helping people go where they want to go. 


When I found my purpose I also found the missing piece of the puzzle. And I didn’t doubt myself the same way I had earlier. Of course I have doubts from time to time, but not regarding what I love. What makes me happy.


Maybe you are a multipotentialite  yourself. Or maybe you are really good at helping other people do their accounting, but you loooooove to bake. You just have doubts that you can turn that into a dream career. But you can.


Just the way you can turn your passion for fashion, food, uncluttering or gardening into a dream career. 



Maybe you love to plan, and are really passionate to help other people learn how to plan like a pro.

Maybe you are dying to travel, but you know you have your skills in writing. In that case, you can definitely make a «laptop lifestyle» out of that! I wish I was really good at writing!

Maybe you are really good with words, and love to write. Do you know that there are so many people out there who would love your guidance and support?


Or… maybe you are one of those who love working out. It’s your life. Maybe you are a personal trainer at this point. But are working for someone else. Do you know that you can help other people through your laptop? I know for sure that I would need a person like that! Who could keep me accountable, and make sure I’m on the right track.


Not to forget those who looooves to dance. Do you know how many people out there who would love to learn from you? Have you ever thought of turning that into a career? 


Maybe you are working as a teacher today. You know more than me how many young people out there who could really need a private teacher online. What a difference you could make for our next generation! Not just in your hometown, but anywhere in your country!



I could just go on and on. But you see where I’m going.

If you still have doubts, then promise yourself that you will find your life purpose. Your «why». Just so you can go out there and make a career out of it. On your own terms. The way you want your career to look like. The way you want to live.

You know.. A life that is aligned with your values, your dreams and hopes. Not just for you. But the dreams and hopes you have for you loved ones…

