When all you need is clarity...

Uncategorized Mar 06, 2019


Do you know the song «all you need is love» by Beatles? ...That is true for sure!

But we have to admit: Sometimes all you need is some clarity. Clarity so you can make that important decision on what to do with your career.


In Norway, we have a saying that goes like this: 

«Han ser ikke skogen for bare trær»
(«He doesn't see the forest because of all the trees»).

It means that there are so many trees in the forest, that the man can't find the forest itself...



To transform that saying to the subject of clarity and the words «dream career», «mission», «passion», «meant to do» and «purpose in life», it goes something like this:

If you have too much going on in your mind at the same time, and if you are trying to do it all, you will never get the clarity to see what you need to do next. You will never see what you need to do in order to take the next step towards your dream career. Towards the life you deserve. The life you really desire.



You know... Clarity is one of the first steps towards the words «dream career», «mission», «passion», «meant to do» and «purpose in life». Maybe the most important step as well.

When you have clarity, you know what to do. You know how to deal with your fears. With your worries. You know what you are capable of. You know that you must make a big hard scary goal. You know that you have to take that goal and make small achievable goals.

When you have clarity, you know why you want to do what you're dreaming of. You know why it's crucial to take the steps you are going to take. And not least; you know why you are feeling the way you do right now. Why you have this urge for something else. This urge for transforming your career, and your life.

If Beatles still was rolling... maybe they would have made another hit. Maybe they would have made «All you need is clarity...Da da da da....».

Who knows...

